This World Sleep Day, Aviss Health requests everyone to Sleep Soundly,Nurture Life

world sleep day

Vikram is the VP  Strategy at a full-service digital agency based out of New Delhi. Part of his job is to interact with the team and keep it motivated.

In his career spanning nearly 2 decades, he has worked with some of the biggest brands and businesses in India, and at 45, he now mentors the new generation entering the digital realm and seasoned professionals alike.

Back home, he’s a loving husband and caring father of two !

But from the last couple of months, he noticed that his energy at work was depleting like never before, and he was no longer sleeping the way he slept all his life.

And he couldn’t figure out the reason may be it was the 60-hours he was putting into his work every week may be it was his age but each passing day was deteriorating him from inside out. And he was feeling it all.

The other day, he was googling for some info when he stumbled on an article on sleep deprivation and its effects, which led him to one resource after another. By the end of an hour, Vikram felt he knew what was causing him all this misery. His symptoms restlessness, loud snoring, multiple visits to the bathroom during the night, and waking up feeling groggy, and not being able to attentive at work  indicated an onset of a common sleep disorder, medically termed as Sleep Apnea.

The next day he found himself consulting our Sleep specialist. He was asked to take a sleep study. The results confirmed his fears, he indeed was suffering from sleep apnea.

The good thing was the disorder was caught at its very onset by following some simple healthy sleep habits and a therapy recommended by Dr Himanshu Garg, Sleep Specialist, Aviss Health, Vikram regained his usual self in a very short time span.

Today, we sadly have hundreds and thousands of Vikrams who pride themselves on being work alcoholic and assume that cutting on sleep hours is the price that they must pay to stay invincible at work what’s really painful is that most of them have no idea about how important sleep is for their mental and physical health, and that the cause behind their loud snores in sleep and resultant low quality sleep could be a sleep disorder and that they need immediate help.

“World Sleep Day” is a global initiative to make people aware on the importance of sleep.

At Aviss Health, we have taken upon ourselves the responsibility to educate people on sleep  and that they should actively look out for the signs of a sleep disorder, and seek the consultation of a qualified sleep doctor if they are finding sleeping difficult.

What are we planning for the World Sleep Day?

We’re celebrating the “Sleep Awareness Month” in Delhi NCR with our campaign #donotsnoretodeath, and have planned up a line of activities to engage people and take the message of  sound sleep for a blessed life to as many people and families as possible.

We invite you to be part of this movement and help India sleep well. Whether you think you might have a sleep disorder or would like to know more on healthy sleep habits or think someone in your family who may need help on getting healthy sleep, meet us at Aviss Health.

For more on our Sleep Awareness Month initiative, or fix an appointment with us, Call us at 9871613322 , 9871162255 or mail at

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Leaving you with some thoughts from the Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington on what to do to induce deep sleep: Take all devices and gently escort them out of the bedroom,” she says. The trick isn’t just to get rid of technology for the night, but to turn sleep into the “sacrosanct ritual” it was in the time of our ancestors. Huffington’s own rituals have included hot baths, candles, chamomile tea, and meditation, but ultimately, she writes, getting more sleep is less about tools and techniques than about a mindset shift.

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