Obstructive Lung Disease or COPD : Here Is All That You Need To Know


Chronic lung disease is a medical term that includes long term respiratory problems. Broadly, chronic lung disease can be restrictive (do not allow the complete expansion of the lungs) or obstructive (troubled exhalation of the air from the lungs) in nature. A plethora of common reasons are responsible for the onset of the diseases that are encompassed under the umbrella of chronic lung diseases.

Around 250 lakh Indians suffer from COPD.

What Is Obstructive Lung Disease?

In Obstructive Lung Disease, the patient feels troubled while exhaling air from the lungs. It becomes cumbersome for the patient to inhale fresh air and therefore obstructs the adequate and effective exchange and flow of air from the lungs. Therefore, the inhaled air remains trapped inside the lungs and blocks the exchange with fresh air.


What Is The Most Common Form Of Obstructive Lung Disease?

The most common forms of obstructive lung disease are,

– Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) that includes, emphysema (a long term and progressive disease of the lungs that causes shortness of breath due to the damaged lungs) and chronic bronchitis (a condition in which the bronchial tubes are inflamed, and lead to an increased production of mucus while coughing)

– Asthma

– Bronchiectasis

– Cystic Fibrosis

What Triggers COPD?

Cigarette/Bidi/Hukka smoking has been found to be the most common cause of COPD. Most vividly found in people of certain professions (those working in polluted pockets of the cities), the growing pollution around the country has been found to be the major reason for the increasing cases of COPD.

A thin segment for the population carrying genetic disorders (such as alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency) are also at an increased risk for the disease.

How Would You Know If You Have COPD ?

Though the symptoms develop and begin to show very gradually. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Cough (with or without mucus)
  • Fatigue
  • Other respiratory infections
  • Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
  • Seems unable to breathe
  • Wheezing

How Can COPD Be Diagnosed?

In case you are showing the relevant symptoms of obstructive lung diseases, make sure you see a doctor at the earliest.

-The chest specialist (pulmonologist) shall physically examine you and conduct tests ?to validate the presence of the disease.

Pulmonary functiong tests shall be effective to measure the efficacy of breathing. These may include, spirometry, pulmonary function tests, pulse oximetry and imaging tests such as X-rays and CT scans.

The Respiratory Physician shall enquire about your family history for the disease, dietary habits, lifestyle habits and current set of medications that you may be taking.


Can COPD Be Treated? If Yes, Then How?

Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for COPD. However, you may be needed to team medications with a set of lifestyle modifications.

-Medications may include, inhalers (bronchodilators), anti-inflammatory drugs and long-term antibiotics.

-During severe flare-ups, you may be prescribed with steroids (administered intravenously), bronchodilators through nebulizers, oxygen therapy and treatment modalities such as BiPAPs.


Lifestyle modifications include:

-In case you smoke, it is time for you to QUIT SMOKING.

-Avoid extreme temperatures (both very cold or hot)

-Add healthy foods (such as fish, poultry, lean meat) and fruits to your daily diet

-Avoid travel to polluted areas

-Include physical activity in your daily routine. However, make sure you do not get to a situation wherein you run out of breath.

If you suffer from chronic cough or feel breathless or have any other lung problem meet the best lung specialist in Gurgaon at Aviss Health.

Call us on ? 9871613322, or 0124 4255211 / 4104679

Or, mail us at ??wecare@avisshealth.com




One comment on “Obstructive Lung Disease or COPD : Here Is All That You Need To Know”

  • Zack Colton

    My first symptoms were dry cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath. My first chest x-ray only showed bronchitis. Finally I went to a pulmonologist and was diagnosed with COPD,i never thought i could get rid of this lung disease

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