Find out how you can control your diabetes by treating sleep apnea

Sleep apnea and diabetes in India

Diabetes can be understood as a group of diseases that causes too much sugar in our blood, or high blood glucose.

What’s scary is India is now one of the top three countries in the world with the highest population of diabetic people.

From 11.9 million in 1980, the diabetic population in India grew dramatically to 64.5 million in 2014! The numbers have grown for sure in 2015 and till now in 2016. And if this growth trend continues, we can soon become the diabetic capital of the world.

Early detection and effective treatment are the best answers to the prevention and management of diabetes.

Diabetes and Sleep Apnea

There’s a link between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and the development of diabetes and insulin resistance. People with diabetes often find difficulty sleeping for a number of reasons including sleep disorders, such as OSA and restless sleep disorder.

By treating sleep apnea, one can sleep quite peacefully thorough the nights, and which in turn help him/her better control the blood glucose. The treatment also improves alertness and motivation, and thus, leads to more stable blood glucose levels.

Doctors now even use sleep apnea treatment as a tool for controlling diabetes in their patients.

When you start getting your share of shut eye, your overall health also begins to improve. You feel relaxed, positive, indulge in sports or other forms of exercises, and this positively impacts your blood sugar levels, and save you from all possible complications associated with diabetes.

Not sure you’ve a sleep disorder?

If sleep has been eluding you for days or months, you should immediately see a sleep specialist. He/ she will ask you about your sleeping habits. The specialist can also have a word with your partner to find out whether you snore or sleep walk or wake up in the middle of the night sweating all over. The specialist can then put you through a sleep study to determine your sleep quality and figure out whether you’ve developed a sleep disorder that’s worsening your diabetes. More on sleep study here.

How Sleep Apnea is treated?

You’ll be asked for lifestyle changes such as losing weight.

Your doctor can also put you on CPAP therapy. It’s a very effective therapy which involves using a CPAP machine during sleep. An air blower in this machine forces air through your nose or mouth to keep your upper airway open so that you don’t get periods of air deprivation (called apneas). The air pressure is adjusted to your comfort level. CPAP therapy is a proven therapy to help people sleep better. More on sleep apnea treatment here.

Tips for sound sleep

  • Avoid caffeine or alcohol in the evening
  • Learn medication or some other relaxation techniques
  • Listen to recorded nature soundsĀ  you can get enough of nature sound videos from YouTube
  • Exercise regularly, but avoid doing it a few hours before bedtime
  • If you find sleeping difficult, go out and do something. Get back to your bed only when you?re feeling sleepy
  • Avoid watching TV or playing games in your bedroom. Keep it as peaceful and comfortable as it can be

For more on sleep apnea treatment for diabetes management, give us a call at 9871-61-3322, 9871-16-2255.

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